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About The Self Loading Concrete Mixer Cost

There is no denying that a lot of changes have taken place in the construction industry over the past decades. These days, a variety of new equipment has made construction projects much more efficient as compared to earlier. One of the machines that has made its mark in the industry is a self-loading concrete mixer. There was a time when the cost of a self-loading concrete mixer was prohibitive for most contractors but thanks to the increase in the market demand and lower prices, a lot more contractors are investing in this machine today. If you are planning to buy one, here is what you need to know about the cost of this machine.

One of the major factors that affect the price of this mixer (самозагружающийся бетоносмеситель) is its size. Needless to say, bigger size results in a bigger price. It is intuitive to think that you should buy as much capacity as possible. If you have the money to buy the highest capacity mixer, it does not mean that you should buy it. This is one of the most common mistakes made by inexperienced contractors in the industry.

About The Self Loading Concrete Mixer Cost
China Self Loading Concrete Mixer Price

Keep in mind that there is a fixed operational cost associated with the running of this mixer. Mixers with higher capacity have a higher fixed operational cost. If you are not able to utilize it to its full capability, you won’t be able to recoup your investment due to lower margins. This is why you should never make the mistake of buying as much capacity as you can afford to buy. Carefully go through the demand curve in the market to figure out the right capacity for the kind of projects where you need to supply concrete.

Another important factor that matters is the quality of components used for making the self-loading mixer. Manufacturers (like China’s AIMIX GROUP) that care about their reputation use high-quality components to ensure longer service life of their mixers. On the other hand, there are also brands that don’t really care about their reputation or their customers and they use poor quality components that fail frequently and need to be replaced. This results in a higher maintenance cost which cuts into your margins and leads to lower profit. This is why you need to pay special attention to the quality of components used for making a self-loading mixer.

Self Loading Concrete Mixer Cost
China Self Loading Concrete Mixer For Sale

Where to Buy a Self-Loading Concrete Mixer

If you’re looking for a number, you can spend anywhere from $20,000 to more than $100,000 for a self-loading mixer (миксер с самозагрузкой). It seems like a huge price range as there are dozens of brands and these brands offer a huge number of models varying in processing capacity, quality of components and other such things. This is why you need to do careful research and go through the specifications of a variety of models to make the right choice. Carefully check the reputation of a manufacturer by checking customer reviews and if possible, talking to a few of their existing clients. It will help you in choosing a manufacturer that cares about its customers.

Overall, a self-loading concrete mixer is sold in a wide price range which could be as low as $20,000 but you can also spend upwards of $100,000 on this machine. This huge price range is a result of varying processing capacity, quality of components and reputation of a brand, among others. You should research the reputation of the manufacturer and carefully go through the specifications of all the components to get the best value for your money when buying this mixer. Learn more:

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